Hey guys,
I was at the fashion mall in Indy last weekend and I came across these little dudes and dudettes on the shelf. I pulled out my camera phone and snapped a couple of shots to share them with you. They're of different types of Brownie cameras. I did a little research on some of them to see when they were developed and if I could find any info about them. The Brownie Hawkeye with a flash was introduced in May 1949 and was discontinued in July of '61. It took 2.25x2.25 pictures using a 620 film size and the original cost was about $7.00! I found out it's still a wildly popular camera. I would definitely use one.
The Brownie Starmite II was made in Nov. 1962 and went through August of '67. It took 1 5/8x 1 5/8 pictures with a film size of 127. This link had less information about it so I'm not sure to what extent it was widely used. Anyway, I figured I'd share my findings with the class since we studied them some.
These are great. Did you buy any?