Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sally Mann (Claimed)

Group: Morgan Beard and Shani Horvath
Photographer: Sally Mann
Looking around online and through the list of photographers Laura posted on the blog, we decided Sally Mann seemed like the best choice. I had seen some of her photographs in the past, and the controversy over these images was very intriguing, so it will be interesting to learn more about that. Her images have been described as pornographic and exploiting child innocence. I'm not quite sure of my viewpoint on them yet, but I'm excited to see how my opinion forms through researching and learning more about these images. The source listed below is great for the beginning stages of this project because it provides a brief overview of her work and life.

Mary Chou. "Mann, Sally." Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press, accessed October 17, 2012, http://www.oxfordartonline.com/subscriber/article/grove/art/T2021804.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Morgan,
    Mann is a great choice and there are a lot of articles and books out there about her. I'd like to see you search a bit more and find a more substantial source than the Grove Dictionary. This is a pretty basic biographical essay, which is fine, but you should really be looking for something that is more on par with the sorts of essays we read in class. Also, you haven't formatted your citation correctly. Author's last name goes first, and you must have location of publication and page numbers. In order to receive credit for this assignment you'll need to try again. You can either edit your post here or post another bibliographic entry in the comments.
